The following is a brief summary of the resources and services available to you to support teaching, research and library use, along with phone numbers. See the Albin O. Kuhn Library website for additional information, especially on connecting from home.
General Information: Library resources and services for UMBC are located in the Albin O. Kuhn Library & Gallery. Normal hours during the Fall and Spring semesters are Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and Sunday noon – midnight. Call 410-455-2233 for current schedule of hours.
Online Catalog: The Online Catalog of the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) allows you to check the online catalog for information about materials owned by UMBC and other libraries in the UMS, Morgan State University and St. Mary’s College of Maryland, as well as place hold/recall on materials from any of these libraries.
Circulation: Allows faculty and staff to borrow books and other materials at any USMAI Library. Simply present your Faculty/Staff ID card. Call x52354.
Reserves: Course reserve lists are available in the Library and on the Internet. Call x52354.
Reference Services/Government Documents: Ask here for help or instruction with the use of the Library, its resources, or difficult information gathering problems; to schedule a class or personal instruction in the use of databases, the Internet and printed resources; Reference Department keeps microforms of government documents, including resources used for genealogy, and reference materials (call x52232).
Serials: Contains over 4,200 subscriptions of journals and newspapers arranged alphabetically by title, as well as microform collections, located on the 2nd floor of the Library. Call x52343.
Internet Workstations: Internet connected workstations are available for users throughout the building. Online resources are also available to faculty and staff at home.
Photocopying Services: Copiers, using campus cards, as well as stations for adding cash to campus cards, are located in the Library on the first and second floors. Drop-off services are available for additional cost; inquire at Circulation Desk. Call x52354.
Interlibrary Loan: Obtain copies of journal articles that are not owned by UMBC and books that are not owned by any of the USMAI libraries through this unit. Call x52234.
Collection Management: Order materials and select approval books. Faculty liaisons from each department work with Collection Management to expend departmental material budgets. The Library accepts gift donations of books, textbooks, some journals, CD’s, CD-ROMs, sound recordings, videos and material in other formats. Call x52341.
Library Media: Contains audio and video recordings (including videos of faculty lectures), and other media materials. Call x52332.
Special Collections: More than 1.5 million photographs plus rare books, university and scientific association archives; collection strengths in photography, popular culture, science fiction, Marylandia, etc. Contact x52353.
Gallery: Bring classes to Gallery anytime it is open to view exhibitions. Call x52270.
Atrium and Lounge: The Atrium and Building Lounge are open at all times, with food and vending services. The coffee, cappuccino and pastry bar located in the Library Atrium is open during Fall and Spring semesters.