Kelly Coleman, Director of Talent Acquisition & Total Rewards
Phone: 410-455-3842
Kelly is responsible for providing leadership and consultation regarding human resources issues in the areas of recruitment, classification, compensation, and benefits. She also assists the CHRO with strategic planning and decision-making for the units and various HR General Administration activities related to UMBC compliance and audit requirements.
Sara Shannon, Benefits & Wellness Manager
Phone: 410-455-3648
Sara is responsible for providing in-depth retirement consultations and assisting with the direction and oversight of the Benefits & Wellness unit and other areas including but not limited to: overseeing all activities associated with SPS Workday, ACA, Tuition Remission, audit compliance, retirement, disability, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and HR New Hire Orientation.
Kelly Barnett, Senior Benefits and Wellness Specialist
Phone: 410-455-2479
Kelly is responsible for providing in-depth retirement consultations and guidelines for supplemental retirement accounts. She also works with employees on their State health benefits enrollment, including qualifying Life Events, as well as ACA eligibility for contractual employees. Kelly additionally coordinates Open Enrollment, HR New Hire Orientation, and implements the USM Tuition Remission program, including taxable tuition remission.
Anthony Oughton, HR Specialist I
Phone: 410-455-3646
This position is responsible for assisting faculty and staff on State health benefit enrollment/changes, supplemental retirement accounts, and tuition remission. This role also schedules new employees for HR New Hire Orientation and assists with enrollment in State health benefits through the SPS Workday system.