Making Benefit Changes

Current employees experiencing a qualifying Life Event (i.e. birth/adoption, marriage/divorce, loss/gain in coverage, etc.) can make changes to their State health benefits outside of the State’s Open Enrollment period.

Employees will need to follow the instructions below to make changes to their State health benefits due to the qualifying Life Event (QLE). Employees must initiate and complete their QLE within 60 days of the event date in their Workday account.

Qualifying Life Event changes

  • Qualifying Event Benefit Changes have two steps
  • Please make sure to have your documentation such as marriage certificates, loss of coverage letters, and/or any birth certificates scanned for quick upload.
  • If applicable, refer to the instructions to Remove a dependent during a qualifying event.
  • Make sure to review the Benefits Guide and Rates, and have your elections handy.
  • The changes made due to the QLE will become effective on the 1st of the month following your qualifying event date, with the exceptions of newborns. Please see the Coverage Effective Dates below.

Coverage Effective Dates

  1. Effective Dates of Coverage:  Coverage changes are effective on the 1st of the month following the qualifying event date with the exceptions to newborns.  Newborns coverage is effective on the date of birth.  If deductions do not occur until after their effective date, the State will bill the employee back to the coverage effective date.
  2. Terminations:  Coverage will end at the end of the month in which an employee separates from employment or loses eligibility (such as dependents turning 26, removal of spouses/dependents, etc.)
  3. FSA Effective Dates:  FSA effective dates may begin on the 1st of the month following your benefit elections to allow enough time to process pre-taxed deductions.

Please email with any questions.