The Employee of the Quarter Program recognizes the outstanding qualities and contributions of employees towards departmental and UMBC’s goals and mission.
Show your appreciation and acknowledge an outstanding employee by nominating them for the Employee of the Quarter Award! The next Employee of the Quarter will be selected in October. Deadline for nomination forms is September 20, 2024.
EOQ Winners
- EOQ Recipients: July – September 2024
- Previous Employee of the Quarter Recipients
- Join the EOQ Selection Committee
The Employee of the Quarter will receive:
- $500
- A special employee parking space
- One day of administrative leave
- A certificate
- Employee’s name on a plaque located on the fifth floor of the Administration building
- Invitation to the annual Service Award Ceremony for all the recipients of the quarterly award
Requirements of Award Recipients
- Must have been employed at UMBC for at least 2 years
- Must be Regular or Contingent II (contractual) status
- Must be an Exempt or Nonexempt employee
- Must have made contributions to his/her/their department/UMBC
To Nominate an Employee
Complete the Employee of the Quarter Nomination Form and submit it to the Department of Human Resources located on the 5th floor of the Administration building or email to Kim Harris at Anyone may nominate an employee. Nomination forms may be submitted at any time.
The Process
The Employee of the Quarter Committee will meet on a quarterly basis throughout the year. The committee will assure that the nominee meets all of the basic requirements. The committee will consider the following contributing qualities when making the award selection:
- Longevity and performance
- Contributions to the UMBC community
- Contributions to his or her department
- Contributions to the outside community
- Awards or recognition received