Employment Verifications: The Work Number®
The Work Number
Employment Verifications: The Work Number®
NOTICE: We are currently experiencing an issue with some employees being classified as “COMMISSION ONLY”. UMBC does not have commission only pay. Please submit a manual employment verification (instructions below).
Our organization has selected The Work Number® service from Equifax to provide automated income and employment verifications. The Work Number reduces our risk of liability from providing erroneous or unauthorized information, and our employees receive the benefit of rapid verification completion, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Companies seeking to conduct an employment verification on a current or former employee (paid in 2018 or later) must register and please follow the instructions below:
- the Company USA employer code, which is 19959
- the employee’s Social Security Number
- a permissible purpose for accessing the information, as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act
- direct employee consent, if income or salary information is needed
- and credentialed access to use The Work Number
For more information on accepted permissible purposes and using The Work Number, please visit www.theworknumber.com/verifiers, or call The Work Number client service center at 1-800-367-5690.
How to Use The Work Number
For Commercial Verifications (mortgage lenders, pre-employment, property leasing, credit cards, etc.)
- Please visit theworknumber.com and select “Start Verifying”Provide the following:Employer Name or Code: Company USA’s
Employer Code is 19959Employee’s Social Security Number
For Social Services Verifications* (including Medicaid, SSI/SSDI, SNAP, TANF, Child Support, Public Housing, etc.)
*Available to qualifying assistance agencies only
- Please visit theworknumber.com and select “Start Verifying”
Provide the following:
Employer Name or Code: Company USA’s
Employer Code is 19959
Employee’s Social Security Number
Additional Information:
The Work Number service from Equifax is the leading resource for income and employment verification services nationwide. It provides verifiers an instant, automated solution for verification of employment, income and identity,
based on payroll records contributed directly from thousands of employers.
Prior to using The Work Number, all verifier organizations must successfully pass a credentialing process, which validates legitimacy and permissible purpose, in compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Over 200,000 credentialed verifiers rely on The Work Number to securely deliver fraud-proof information that virtually eliminates reliance on applicant-provided data, helps increase regulatory and internal compliance while adding to operational consistency and efficiency
In addition to permissible purpose, The Work Number also requires that verifiers have documented consent of the employee-consumer to access income information. Consent is generally established via a signed acknowledgment at the point of application for a loan or service. The Work Number fulfillment process is purpose-built for completing verifications and securely delivering critical decision data with unparalleled speed and efficiency.
To learn more about The Work Number from Equifax, please visit www.theworknumber.com
NOTE: UMBC began using The Work Number®in June 2020 and will have employment verification data available for most employees that were paid from 2018 to the current period. There may be an instance where manual employment verifications are still required.
UMBC Verification Letters
Employment Verification Letters
Please email your request to hrstm@umbc.edu and allow 2-3 business days for processing.
Federal Investigators
Federal Investigator Employment Verification Requests
The Department of Human Resources & Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) is responsible for assisting Federal Investigators who are verifying the employment records of previous or current UMBC employees. Federal Investigators should:
- Fax the signed release form and verification request to 410-455-5758, or submit via DoD Safe. Please send a follow-up email to hrstm@umbc.edu once the request has been sent, so we know when to expect it.
- For in-person appointments, call 410-455-2337 or email hrstm@umbc.edu to schedule an appointment.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF)
The PSLF Program forgives the remaining balance on eligible borrowers’ Direct Student Loans. Borrowers who are employed by a government or non-profit organization may be eligible for the PSLF program. Borrowers must make an equivalent of 120 qualifying monthly payments under an accepted repayment plan while working full-time for an eligible employer to qualify for the PSLF program. As an eligible employer, the Department of Human Resources & Strategic Talent Management (HRSTM) is responsible for verifying the PSLF employment verification requests made by previous or current UMBC employees. Please submit your form electronically via the PSLF Help Tool to hrstm@umbc.edu, as this way of submission is encouraged by Federal Student Aid. PSLF forms can be submitted manually, but this may add additional processing time. If you choose to submit your form manually via email, please do not include your SSN. Please see the resources below for further information on the PSLF Program.
Keys to Loan Forgiveness Recording
All other verifications may follow these instructions:
- Submit a signed authorization and verification request to hrstm@umbc.edu
- Requests that include SSN should be faxed to 410-455-5758. Please send a follow-up email to hrstm@umbc.edu once the request has been sent, so we know when to expect it.
- Allow 2-3 business days for processing. Please indicate if it is urgent and every consideration will be made.
- For further information, please call 410-455-2337