Salary Structures and Guidelines

Salary Administration refers to all components of wage administration and pay structure at UMBC, including but not limited to:

  • Monitoring salary structures and pay grades for exempt and non-exempt staff and making recommendations for update when necessary
  • Conducting internal and external market analysis to determine comparability and equity with existing University positions
  • Providing salary and benefits data for federal, state, and private compensation surveys
  • Developing career ‘ladders’ for existing job series to provide versatility in compensation options

For more information related to salary administration, contact the staff of the HR Classification/Compensation Unit at 410-455-2337. Current USM salary structures and fiscal year guidelines are listed below:

Nonexempt Salary Structure – Effective July 1, 2024

Exempt Salary Structure – Effective July 1, 2024

FY 2025 UMBC Salary Guidelines

FY 2025 Student Wage Guidelines

State of Maryland Minimum Wage Poster

FY25 COLA/Merit Training

COLA/Merit Training Video

COLA/Merit Training PowerPoint

COLA/Merit Q&A’s



FY 2024 Student Hourly Guidelines

FY 2024 UMBC Salary Guidelines

Nonexempt Salary Structure – Effective July 1, 2023

Exempt Salary Structure – effective July 1, 2022

FY2023 UMBC Salary Guidelines – COLA effective November 1, 2022

FY2023 UMBC Salary Guidelines

Exempt Salary Structure – effective April 1, 2019

Nonexempt Salary Structure – effective July 1, 2022